Welcome to Hiki Apparel

Our Mission:

Hiki apparel knows there is more than one side to your story, which we express within our diverse clothing and double sided swimwear.

Who We Are:

Our designer pulls inspiration from natural patterns disguised in the land, and hidden in the serenity of the sea. 

For each entity created on land, there is one in the sea. During the design process, duality is heavily noted. Even in nature, there is more than one side to the story. 

Our Mindset:

Our Hiki apparel designs are built to last. We ran our pieces hard to make sure theyʻre fit for the truest form of island living. From mauka to makai, the washer, dryer, and even forgetting our pieces in the back of the truck for a few days in rain and shine, our pieces are here for you.

As an athlete, our designer wanted to highlight pieces that withstand slips, won’t get swept by waves, and most importantly has a unique style to let you shine.

Discover the Potential